We toured entire Vojvodina province in a day. We left Belgrade in the morning heading through Srem region towards Beška, then continued along the highway to Palić. And in the afternoon, we roamed across Bačka plain in order to reach Vršac, which hosted Vršac Grape Harvest Days.Vast plain all around us, villages and towns in succession... We gazed curiously to see vineyards of Radenković Cellar in the distance in the vicinity of Pearl Island, as the road took us just next to the edge of this vinegrowing oasis.
Before I explain what is awaiting us in Vršac, I should first introduce the hosts - Banat's Wine Knight Order "Saint Theodor" from Vršac. This wine order was founded in 2005, and it was named after an episcope from Vršac who started uprising against the Turks in Banat in 16th century. Nowadays, wine and Saint Theodor are symbols of Vršac. Members of this wine order strive to promote wine production in Vršac region, they improve wine culture and fine dining, promote Vršac wine history and culture. Every wine lover/connoisseur could become a knight of Banat's Wine Knight Order after being proposed by a fellow member. Then, during Vršac Grape Harvest Days, the Senate considers all applications for joining the wine order. In order to become a wine knight, a candidate must pass an exam by replying to several questions, tasting a wine sample and giving a wine description. If a candidate provides satisfactory response, then he/she will receive knight's robe and certificate, and swears to loyalty. Then he/she becomes officially a full member of the wine order.
This year, at the main stage in downtown Vršac, knights of the wine order "Saint Theodor", led by Grand Master Nikola Cuculj (owner of family winery Vinik in Vršac) have performed an initiation ceremony so His Excellency embassador of Brasil in Serbia, Alesandro Ador Neta, became a Wine Consul. Vesna Čipčić, who is also a member of Banat Wine Knight Order "Saint Theodor",added her songs and lyrics to the programme.
Wine Knights from other regions also joined this festive occasion. Wine knights from wine order "Monk Dorotej", named after the monk who founded Drenča monastery and set the foundations of modern wine-making in Župa, arrived from Župa region. Then, members of wine knight order "Saint Simeon" arrived from Vlasotince vinegrowing region, as well as members of wine order "Singidunum" from Belgrade. Special guests were female members of Hungarian women's wine knight order "Kunsagi".